目前分類:城市霞客介紹 (19)
- Sep 05 Sun 2010 13:40
- Jul 29 Thu 2010 21:58
- Jul 29 Thu 2010 21:45
- Jul 28 Wed 2010 12:24
電子股份有限公司(Shanghai EPSON Electronics Co.Ltd.)。
- Nov 07 Sat 2009 21:14
- Nov 07 Sat 2009 21:10
- Nov 07 Sat 2009 21:05
- Apr 10 Fri 2009 20:30
老伴+老本+老友精彩人生【經濟日報╱鄭秋霜】2009.04.10 04:37 am
隨著時代的改變,愈來愈多人提早退休,想讓退休生活變成人生第二春。過來人指出,老伴、老本和老友,是讓退休生活精彩的三大要素。- Jan 06 Tue 2009 12:47
- Jun 22 Sun 2008 22:39
- Apr 25 Wed 2007 08:50
溫情鼓勵-Shack인상 (印象)
3년전 우연한 기회로 Shack를 첫 뵙게되었습니다. 그는 여행를 즐겨 직장 출장편으로 세계각지 그리고 중국내 500여개 역사지에 가봤다고 자기 소개를 하였습니다. 직장인으로서 출장 짬 시간을 이용해서 쉬지 않고 상대 편벽한 역사지에 방문한다는것은 역시 출장을 많이 다니는 저로서 실은 몸으로서의 고생이다는것을 잘 알고있었습니다.그래서10여년간 계속 뛰다싶은 “奔旅”를 해온 Shack에 대해 첫인상이 깊었습니다.그후에 중국 餘秋雨선생님이 쓰신 책文化苦旅>>를 보면서 Shack의 여행이 아마도 이렇겠구나 라고 생각하였습니다.
- Apr 20 Fri 2007 19:43
溫情鼓勵 from Richard
I met Mark Chiu in a professional capacity while I was working in Taipei in 2006. At that time, Mark generously invited me to a tour of the Taipei Palace Museum along with some of his students. His intimate and detailed knowledge of the history and significance of so many Chinese works of art was simply astonishing, as were his profound insights into Chinese culture. Most impressive, however, was Mark's ability to explain to a layman like me the historical and artistic significance of these things in a way that was clear and engaging. Chinese culture is complex and hard to break down, especially for relative newcomers to the region. Mark has the unique ability to demystify and explain it, while providing key insights that will benefit anyone seeking to improve their business relations in China.
- Apr 13 Fri 2007 21:56
Long River Runs Deep 源遠流長
In today’s fast-paced, high-tech environment, it is easy to become enamored with the scientific, technical, and financial aspects of business. Few people have either the time or the inclination to consider the art of doing business. For most, there is the world of business which operates separately from the world of art, history, and culture.
Such is not the case for Shack. He sees not only the art of producing fine equipment that produces fine prints, but how art, culture, history and literature have shaped and continue to drive the success of Chinese business. I recently attended one of his lectures where he was to talk about cutting edge technology. I was delighted to learn that he was able to show his audience not just the latest and greatest new gadgets, but the cutting edge technologies produced by Chinese artisans, scholars, thinkers, and business people over the last five millennia.
Indeed, Chinese culture has a 5000 year history of innovation. While there have been times when lagged the West in terms of technology, there were epochs where Chinese ingenuity led the world. Thus, Taiwan’s ascension to the ranks of powerful global players over recent decades, and the present unparalleled economic and technological development of should come as no surprise. It has happened before and will happen again. The key to understanding and learning from Chinese people requires that we look beneath the surface of this modern society to its art, history, language, philosophy, and culture.
- Apr 04 Wed 2007 18:25